Spencer Moody Live Cut Records

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Spencer Moody Live Cut Records


Hello friend and longtime supporter!

Thanks so much for investing in T&TT so early, I wouldn’t be where I am today without your support. When the Murder City Devils came through Philly in July of 2024, Spencer came over and we had a super lo-fi recording session—direct to lathe!—in my home office: he recorded a lo-fi backing track, and then sang a cover of Bob Dylan’s Went to the See the Gypsy over it.

We cut 20 discs from that session: we hooked up the mic to split between both lathes, and recorded two discs each time he sang through the song over the backing track. Because of the nature of lathe cutting (and a little carelessness on my end, d’oh!), five of the discs are unplayable, leaving me with 15: 10 are clear records that we made picture discs with a neat old record Spencer owns, and five were cut on black. Spencer signed and dated the back of the picture discs, and etched his name into the black discs. Each comes with a time stamp of exactly when each record was cut that day.

Here’s where it gets fun: half the records were recorded to the lower-fidelity Rek-O-Kut lathe using minimal equalization, the other half to the Presto through full EQ: so half sound like they were recorded in the 1950s, half sound modern. Some have Spencer fucking up mid song, some end with him saying something out loud, not realizing the machines were still cutting. Some are clean, some have him introducing the song, some are of him warming up. Every disc is truly unique.

Lastly, Spencer rotated through my collection of weird old microphones throughout, so some were recorded using a 1970s reel-to-reel microphone, some through a 1950s crystal mic, and some using a mic I made using a telephone from the 1980s.

These are truly one-of-a-kinds, and you’ve got first dibs!

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