Katie Haegele and Joe Carlough lead this zine making workshop at Tulpehocken Exchange. This is part two of a three part series. Classes will take place monthly, on the third Sunday of each month. Take one class or take all three, it’s up to you.
Date/ Time: Sunday, March 18th from 1 pm – 4 pm.
Location: 47 East High Street, Philadelphia (in Germantown).
Price: $15/ online, $20 the day of the event
Light refreshments will be served.
What is a zine you may ask? It’s a self published, small circulation book. DIY. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zine
Katie Haegele is a writer, zine maker, and book critic who lives in Philadelphia. She is the author of the memoir White Elephants, and the essay collection Slip of the Tongue: Talking About Language. Her written works have been published in Utne, Bitch, Adbusters, The Comics Journal, Philadelphia Magazine, The Believer Logger, and elsewhere. Find her online at www.thelalatheory.com/
Joe Carlough has been making zines under the name Displaced Snail Publications for the past ten years. He’s quietly entered the world of DIY publishing, becoming the zine and book maker for such outfits as QuillsEdge Press, Joyful Noise Recordings, and a range of clients from budding poets to Random House authors. He owns three different printers, six unique staplers, and literally tens of thousands of sheets of paper. Find him online at displacedsnail.com